Jan,14 Thu 2010:Katan Hiviya @Kichijoji:MANDA-LA2

◆Jan 14 (Thu) @Kichijoji:MANDA-LA2
http://www.mandala.gr.jp/man2.html 0422-42-1579

Acts:MINORITY ORCHESTRA (gypsy-wise strange folk music band)

Emi Toko (modern Ainu music))(guest: OKI)

Katan Hiviya (Vo、G)

Kan Horiuchi (Vo、G、fretless string instrument)

start.19:00 charge.2000/2500

#Katan Hiviya's stage will be around 20:40

#Reservation: info☆katanhiviya.com(☆→@)

#Schedule info in English can be checked at:http://d.hatena.ne.jp/KHstaff/20100108#1263318606

#Schedule info in Japanese can be checked at: http://katanhiviya.com/schedule.html

#English bio of Katan Hiviya can be checked at: http://qulwa.web.fc2.com/bio.htm#eng

#Katan Hiviya Web site:http://katanhiviya.com/